Blink Codes for Sivoia QED Shades

Sivoia QED Button Diagram         


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Blinks While Holding Arrow Buttons on an EDU

LED Description LED Cycle LED Blink Pattern
SR_Blink This EDU does not have an Address 1/8 second redonR off
A fast red blink
greenon This EDU has an Address Constant on greenonG
A constant green LED



LED Description LED Cycle LED Blink Pattern
greenon Programming Mode Constant on greenonG
A constant green LED
greenon Limit Set Mode Constant on greenonG
A constant green LED
SG_Blink Currently Addressing the System 1/8 second greenonG  off
A fast green blink
LG_Blink Assignment Mode 1 second greenonG  off
A slow green blink
LG_BlinkThrice Special Modes (eg Homeworks Database Downloads) 8 seconds greenonG  off  greenonG  off  greenonG  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off
Three green blinks in 8 seconds


Blinks After Addressing

LED Description LED Cycle LED Blink Pattern
LG_Blink Addressing Completed Successfully 1 second greenonG  off
A slow green blink
LR_BlinkOnce This Device Never Got an Address 8 seconds redonR  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off
One red blink in 8 seconds
LR_BlinkTwice Addressing Ran Out of Addresses
Verify that there are less than 96 devices present. If there are, you will need to run Clean Dead Devices Mode
8 seconds redonR  off  redonR  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off
Two red blinks in 8 seconds
LR_BlinkThrice There are Duplicate Device Addresses Present
Exit addressing mode, and find one of the devices which does not function and is blinking the "Duplicate Device Address" fault code. Return this device to factory defaults, and re-address.
8 seconds redonR  off  redonR  off  redonR  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off
Three red blinks in 8 seconds


Fault Conditions

LED Description LED Cycle LED Blink Pattern
LR_BlinkQuad 1) Maximum Runtime Exceeded
The shade has reached its maximum run-time. Wait 20 minutes before attempting to move the shade.

2) Reached Command Retry Limit
A preset command failed to reach its destination after multiple retries.
8 seconds redonR  off  redonR  off  redonR  off  redonR  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off
Four red blinks in 8 seconds
SR_Blink EDU Stalled
The EDU stopped due to a fault condition (such as a stall). The EDU will blink like this for 2 seconds when it stops abruptly.
1/8 second redonR  off
A fast red blink for 2 seconds.
LR_On4Off4 Multiple Successive Stalls
The EDU was unable to move the last 5 attempts. Make sure the fabric or hembar is not caught on something.
8 seconds redonR  off
Four seconds red, four seconds off.
SR_DoubleBlink Open and Close limits need to be set 1/2 second redonR  off  redonR  off  off  off  off  off
Two quick blinks, twice a second
LRI_BlinkThrice This EDU has a Duplicate Device Address (same Address as another device)
Return this device to factory defaults to clear its address and re-address the system.
8 seconds redonR  off  redonR  off  redonR  redonR  redonR  redonR  redonR  redonR  redonR  redonR  redonR  redonR  redonR  off
Two slow red blinks, followed by a long solid red.
redon Wiring problem / shade not able to communicate Constant on

Solid red LED for 15 seconds.



LED Description LED Cycle LED Blink Pattern
LRG_BlinkQuad Startup
This occurs when the EDU powers up. If this happens when the EDU tries to start moving, verify that the fabric/hembar is not caught.
8 seconds greenonG  redonR  greenonG  redonR  greenonG  redonR  greenonG  redonR  off  off  off  off  off  off  off  off
Alternately blinking green and red, and then turning off.
SG_Blink Feedback (eg: after setting limits, presets, entering programming mode) 1/8 second greenonG  off
A fast green blink for 2 seconds.
orangeon Returning to Factory Defaults
After returning to factory defaults, EDU will go through regular startup procedure.
Constant on orangeonO
A constant orange LED.


OS-Upgrading (only applicable with a Homeworks system)

LED Description LED Cycle LED Blink Pattern
SRG Another Device is OS-Upgrading 1/8 second greenonG  redonR
Quickly blinking green and red.
LO_Blink Preparing/Waiting for an OS-Upgrade 1 second orangeonO  off
A slow orange blink.
orangeon Currently OS-Upgrading Constant on orangeonO 
A constant orange LED.
